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Summer Camp in Germany in July

12th July - 26th July 2025

(both weeks or only the first or only the second week can be booked)

Learning German with Germans ins Germany

For pupils from grades 6 to 13

Education is an active, creative and above all, a personal process. Each student is an individual with their own strengths, weaknesses, learning preferences in their own learning environment.
Our pedagogical focus is always the person themselves - not the subject to be taught. The learners should be supported in reflecting on their learning as a process and in organizing their everyday school and learning life optimally. Above all, one thing is particularly important: learning should be fun!
The aim of this summer camp is to learn German as a foreign language, to use the German language in everyday life with people of the same age and to experience German culture. Anyone who speaks the German language fluently can also choose two other subjects (German for native speakers, Learning Methodology, Mathematics, English, French, Latin) in order to strengthen them intensively and in a targeted manner. The students benefit from excellent technical and didactic learning support as well as from teaching units in small groups.
In a total of 20 lessons per week, we focus on closing the students’ gaps, consolidating the basics and practicing their knowledge in new environments. Important working techniques and learning strategies are also taught.

In order to create a balance to studying, we offer an attractive and varied leisure program every afternoon and evening. In this way, personal development is promoted in a completely different way – based on the principles of self-efficacy, independence and individualization!
A day trip, for example to Hamburg or Lüneburg, also contributes to new experiences. This is how learning and experiences can be linked!

Learning German
with Germans
in Germany

Studenten der Vielfalt
Jugendliche im Park

Exemplary daily routine

08:15 a.m

09:00 - 10:30 a.m

10:45 - 12:15 a.m

12:15 p.m

01:00 - 03:00 p.m

03:00 - 05:15 p.m

05:15 - 06:00 p.m

06:00 p.m

07:00 - 08:30 p.m

08:30 - 10:00 p.m

10:00 p.m

10:30 p.m


Lesson in subject 1

Lesson in subject 2


Lunch break with offers for sports and games

Activity program

Break with regeneration offers


Activity program



Night rest

Haus Wiese.jpg

Internat Schule Marienau
Lüneburg Heath near Hamburg

The accommodation in double and triple rooms as well as the catering are of first-class standard in the boarding school of the Marienau school near Hamburg.


With its space and leisure opportunities, the boarding school offers excellent conditions for successful learning. The location in the Lüneburg Heath, the unique cultural landscape and numerous leisure activities favor the focus not only on learning, but also on experiences as a group.

Girls and boys are accommodated in separate corridors. We also make every effort to accommodate young people with the same mother tongue in different rooms in order to enhance their learning experiences when using German as a foreign language.

Free transfer

... from/to "Lüneburg" train station

Booking of the driving service ​

... ​from/to Hamburg Airport (Costs for one way: 150€)

Learn where others

go on vacation!

Price per week (all inclusive):

1.397,- €


Personal information of the camp participant

Personal details of parents or legal guardians

Registration for...

Please select the camp period for which you would like to register your daughter / son.

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